Sunday Morning
We meet every Sunday to remember Jesus. ​Click the button below to find out more about our Sunday morning memorial meeting and Sunday School.

Bible Class
Our Bible class is held on Wednesdays at 8-9pm. Bible class is a chance to learn more about God’s word, ask questions about the night’s topic, and get to know one another.

We have a vibrant library of books for members to buy and borrow. There is a great variety of non-fiction and fiction works with something for everyone.

Social Activities
Often on a monthly basis we have a pot luck shared lunch after the Sunday service and we also have regular activities such as picnics, walks, games evenings and quizzes.

CYC - Youth Group
Our Youth Group meets fortnightly on Saturday evenings to explore different Bible and life topics. It's primarily aimed at teenagers and young adults. The CYC also enjoy regular social activities together, and do fundraising for charity or CYC trips.

Women's Class
Women's Class is a group that meets once a month in somebody’s home. We usually have some kind of Bible discussion, but also play games, cook and chat together. We also meet for walks, lunches and dinner throughout the year.