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We meet at Dunedin North Intermediate every Sunday Morning.

Memorial Meeting – 11am

Our memorial service is the main focus of our Sunday mornings, where we remember God and his son, Jesus. 


What can I expect?

Different members take turns to lead our Sunday Service. We sing, read the Bible, pray and listen to a speaker to help prepare our minds for the bread and wine, which baptised Christadelphian members share in remembrance of Christ's life and death. After this there are some operational announcements. The service is usually about one hour long.


Will I be singled out or asked to say anything?

No. Members who pray or read are asked before the service starts.


What should I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in.  You’ll see we are a diverse group.  Most of us wear “business casual”.  Some of the women will be wearing scarves or hats.    


Will you ask me for money?

No. Towards the end there is a voluntary collection taken to cover general expenses such as hall rental. Please do not feel obligated to give.

What about the Bread & Wine?

We call our communion by the very literal name ‘breaking of bread’. As Paul described, Jesus took bread, "and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said ‘This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me’” (1 Corinthians 11:23-25).


We practice a 'closed communion' which means that the bread and wine is only shared among baptised Christadelphian members. This is because for us it is a meaningful act of fellowship with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Just as Jesus shared the bread and wine with his close disciples, we too value knowing that those we share the bread and wine with have the same understanding of God, Jesus and his plan of salvation.


We would love to get to know you better and trust that you will also want to explore for yourself if our beliefs are what the Bible really teaches. 


You and your family are most welcome to join us for the memorial meeting at 11am. Simply turn up or contact us so we can look out for you on the day.

Sunday School – 9.30am (term time only)

Sunday school is grouped into classes of similar ages, from 4 to 18 years. Each class generally covers a Bible story and then the kids get stuck into craft or workbooks activities depending on their age. Older groups delve a bit deeper into the stories and often discuss topical issues in their lives. Older young people also have a study discussion group at this time.


Please get in touch if you'd like to bring your children to Sunday school - we'd love to see you!


There is parking at the front of the building and you can also go down the driveway for more parking at the rear. 


As a community we consider our Ecclesia, or church, to be the people within it, rather than just the place we meet on Sundays. We value spending time together during the week both socially and spiritually.

Bible Class

Our Bible class is held on Wednesdays at 8-9pm. Bible class is a chance to learn more about God’s word, ask questions about the night’s topic, and get to know one another.

Social Activities

Often on a monthly basis we have a pot luck shared lunch after the Sunday service and we also have regular activities such as picnics, walks, games evenings and quizzes.

CYC - Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets fortnightly on Saturday evenings to explore different Bible and life topics. It's primarily aimed at teenagers and young adults. The CYC also enjoy regular social activities together, and do fundraising for charity or CYC trips. 

Women's Class

Women's Class meets once a month in somebody’s home. We usually have some kind of Bible discussion, but also play games, cook and chat together. We also meet for walks, lunches and dinner throughout the year.


We have a vibrant library of books for members to buy and borrow. There is a great variety of non-fiction and fiction works with something for everyone. You can check out our book shop here.​

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