Free Bible Reading Pack
The best way to find out about the Bible is to read it for yourself. We have put together a pack for locals to help you get started with regular Bible reading. The pack includes different reading plans, a Bible, notebook and more.
Even if you are already a regular Bible reader, you may find the pack helpful and motivating.

Bible Reading
Reading the Bible can be challenging with the many distractions of day to day life. Seeing the relevance for ourselves and its overall teachings takes time and persistence. A reading plan helps to break the Bible down into more manageable pieces. Just like we need to take time to eat and digest food - it is a good idea to read smaller chunks regularly. A reading plan also helps us to read all parts of the Bible, not just the parts we enjoy the most.​
Our pack includes two reading plans. The first is an introductory plan with one reading per day, for a year, and is designed to give an overview of the Bible's story and message. This includes helpful background information and a timeline.
The second plan has three readings per day, and covers the entire Old Testament once, and the New Testament twice in a year. This reading plan is what many Christadelphians around the world use every day and it is often used to chose the readings for the Sunday memorial meeting. It was designed by a very early member, Robert Roberts, when he was only 13 to help him become more familiar with the whole Bible so he could study it better.
Understanding the Bible message; learning who God is; finding out what God wants from us; delving into deeper study - it all starts with Bible reading. Simply becoming more familiar with all of the Bible. The more familiar we become with the whole Bible, the more we can see the incredible links and parallels which bring its message alive. If the Bible really is God's message to us, what an exciting challenge to read it for ourselves!